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Applications, Assays and Outputs


Rheology Application Overview
Primary Assays Overview and Applications

RTS offers an array of assays described in the above tabs.  Not sure what assays and parameters would be most appropriate to address your technical need?  No problem - RTS is here to provide guidance and answer your questions.


RTS is very flexible to perform an array of other analyses over a wide range of parameters to meet your particular needs with rapid results turn around.  Links to additional information can be found on the homepage and on the "Helpful Links" tab.




A report containing the following:


  • general conclusions and potential impacts for consideration

  • experimental details

  • overlay plots, often in both log and semi-log format as appropriate to highlight trends

  • summary tables to highlight trends

  • embedded data files in Excel format for more detailed analyses and comparison with other data

  • results for assay standards to demonstrate proper equipment function

  • follow-up discussions to review results, potential impacts and considerations



Commonly Requested Assays


Rotational Assays (links)




Oscillational Assays (links)


Vertical Assays (links)


Other Options


Rheology Testing Services specializes in "one-off" special assays tailored and implemented to meet your particular needs.  In addition, several studies can be coupled in various interesting and informative ways. For example, bracketing frequency sweeps can be performed before and following a yield stress, thixotropy study, or temperature sweep to further probe how the sample may have rheologically changed following exposure to stress, shear, and temperature.

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